Far-fetched Ideas
6B, Saint-Denis, 2012
Artists: Balázs Antal, Zsolt Asztalos, Ivan & Igor Buharov, Miklós Erhardt, Marcell Esterházy, Judit Fischer, Glowing Bulbs, András László Hatházi, Rita Koralevics, Endre Koronczi, Péter Lichter, Zita Majoros, Miklós Mécs, Judit Navratil, Randomroutines, Borbála Sárai, Károly Soós, Katarina Sević, Strassz, János Sugár, Nóra Surányi, Eszter Szabó, SZAF, Rozália Szeleczki, Zsófia Szemző, Gábor Csongor Szigeti, János Szirtes, Csaba Vándor
Co-curated by Anna Kerekes and Zsófia Szemző
The projection of moving images consists in a selection of videos, films and animations of the latest productions of Hungarian contemporary production. This set reflects, despite its eclectic nature, a shared culture and history. It is characterized by a particular sensitivity to the social and everyday life. His language has a great strength of irony, of conceptual composition and authentic imaginary.
The projection has three parts. The first, Social Media, is dedicated to the social and cultural critics of Hungary or of the host countries (India, Austria) of the artists. They are documentations of performances, animation films, video clips, and plastic works. From the inscription records that recall of Hungary in the culture of Central Europe, the second part, Working out History, focuses on the relationship between history and singular stories. Analysis of Phenomena, the third and final part of this projection, shows a new way of formal and conceptual solutions of Hungarian contemporary art.
Dictated by a taste for bizarre and irrational, these short films presented reveal the interest of artists, from different backgrounds and generations, for a truly experimental practice.