100 artistS in the city

MO.CO. presents an outdoor exhibition that occupies the city of Montpellier and Sète, summer 2019


Featuring works by: Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc et Jean-Christophe Marti, Nils Alix-Tabeling, Wilfrid Almendra, Ei Arakawa, Neil Beloufa, Abdelkader Benchamma, Christophe Berdaguer & Marie Péjus, Hicham Berrada, Olivier Cablat, Roberto Cabot, Armelle Caron, Hsia Fei Chang, Jean-Marc Chapoulie, Gaëlle Choisne, Collectif CHAVKI, Collectif IN EXTREMIS, Collectif BONJOUR!, Collectif GELLY, Collectif OPAVIVARÀ!, Collectif SOMMES, Laetitia Delafontaine & Grégory Niel, Jean Denant, Gabriel Desplanque, Braco Dimitrijević, Noël Dolla, Yann Dumoget, Mimosa Échard et Anne Bourse, Dominique Figarella, Agnès Fornells, Gloria Friedmann, Mathilde Geldhof, Hadrien Gérenton, Lola Gonzalez, Sylvain Grout & Yann Mazéas, Mona Hatoum, Fabrice Hyber, Sabrina Issa pour LAAB, Pierre Joseph, Zsófia Keresztes, Ève Laroche-Joubert, Mehryl Levisse, Ariane Loze, Jean-Charles Massera, Ramuntcho Matta, Clémentine Mélois, Mathieu Mercier, Enzo Mianes, Melik Ohanian, Bruno Peinado, Pierre Peres, Julien Prévieux, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Jimmy Richer, Agnès Rosse, Vivien Roubaud, Franck Scurti, Bruno Serralongue, Bob & Roberta Smith, Jeanne Susplugas, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Laurent Tixador and performers from ICI/CCN Montpellier Master Exerce

Artistic Director: Nicolas Bourriaud
Co-curators: Anna Kerekes, Jacqueline Kok, Anya Harrison

100 Artists In the City takes inspiration from a project kickstarted by the Montpellier-based group of artists ABC Productions (Tjeerd Alkema, Jean Azemard, Vincent Bioules, and Alain Clément), who put on a city-wide show in 1970. Almost 50 years later, Nicolas Bourriaud, CEO of the MO.CO., pays tribute to this seminal event, inviting some of today’s foremost artists to contribute a host of new pieces.

100 Artists In the City also presents the opportunity to unveil three new public commissions in the urban environment with works by Abdelkader Benchamma, Dominique Figarella, and Lili Reynaud-Dewar. 
Open to the widest possible audience, this multifaceted display in summer 2019 leads visitors beyond the confines of the museum to discover the cities cultural and historical resources from a contemporary art angle. The exceptional reach of the event should also urge city residents to cast a new look at their daily environment.  
Along with the hundred or so invited artists, numerous partners (the Musée Fabre, the National Opera and Orchestra of Montpellier, ICI/CCN Montpellier Master Exerce, Montpellier Danse, the FRAC Occitanie, the Mécenes du Sud Montpellier-Sète, Arte Lozera, the Montpellier Art Gallery Network, the city of Sète, the SERM, Uniqlo, Technilum, Monoprix, Sauramps), together with many city center businesses, consolidating the trans-regional impact of the project.

Likewise placing art at the heart of its cultural project, the maritime city of Sète joins forces with the city of Montpellier and the MO.CO. to host 100 Artists In the City, with the port showing 13 of the artists.

Photo credits: Marc Domage